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Pre-Sales AI

1. Prerequisites

Before you start, ensure you have the following:

2. Clone the repository

Use the git clone command to clone the PIOPIY python from our TeleCMI github repository

git clone

Next, navigate to the ai_presales directory:

cd ai_presales

3. Intsall the piopiy venv package

Once inside the project directory, install the required venv packages

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # On Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`
pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Export data from terminal

PIOPIY_APP_ID: Description: App ID for the PIOPIY.

PIOPIY_APP_SECRET: Secret key for authenticating the PIOPIY.

For testing purposes, we use Deepgram and ElevenLabs for text-to-speech. You can use either of the accounts to test it, or alternatively, you can use any text-to-speech service.

DG_API_KEY: We use text-to-speech as Deepgram. You can create the trial account and export API key from terminal.

EL_API_KEY: We use text-to-speech as ElevenLabs. You can create the trial account and export API key from terminal.

GROQ_API_KEY: We use LLM as Groq. You can create the trial account and export API key from terminal.

export PIOPIY_APP_ID=4222XXX
export PIOPIY_APP_SECRET=70a5ff82-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx
export DG_API_KEY=8a3aebba4cdc1001xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
export EL_API_KEY=aebba4cdc1001xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
export GROQ_API_KEY=gsk_caXklhYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

5. WebSocket Code

Here is the code to create and run the WebSocket server:

import asyncio
import websockets
from piopiy import StreamAction
from asr.deepgram import stream_audio
#from tts.deepgram import set_wss
from tts.elevenlabs import set_wss

global wss
async def handle_client(websocket, path):
print("Client connected")
async for message in websocket:
if isinstance(message, bytes):
a =10
# print(f"Received binary message of {len(message)} bytes")
# await websocket.send(message) # Echoing the binary message back
print("Received non-binary message:", message)

except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as e:
print(f"Connection closed: {e.code} - {e.reason}")
print("Client disconnected")

def send_tts_audio(audio_stream_base64):
# Send the audio stream to the WebSocket

async def main():
server = await websockets.serve(handle_client, "localhost", 8765)
print("WebSocket server started at ws://localhost:8765")
await server.wait_closed()

if __name__ == "__main__":

6. Running the WebSocket code

Run the server with the following command:


7. Exposing the WebSocket Server using ngrok

To expose your local WebSocket server to the internet, use ngrok to create a public TCP URL:

  1. Start ngrok on port 8080 with the following command:
ngrok tcp 8080
  1. Copy the ngrok TCP URL, which will look something like tcp://

8. Using the ngrok TCP URL

Once you have the ngrok TCP URL, you can replace "WEBSOCKET_URL" in PIOPIY Code. For example:


9. Make Lead Call Code

from call.piopiy import make_call;



10. Configure the call parameters

Replace the value in the Basic call code with your actual values for

11. Run the Code

Execute the code using python:


12. Response

Below is the following sample call response.

"data": { "status": 'progress' },
"status": 'progress',
"request_id": 'X0uoi5LT5vCMOG6CZGEdMMYD5RL9raaEFa1p1IQ9EVm',
"cmi_code": 200

13. Properties

These are the list of properties and its description

statusstringThe Status of the call.
request_idstringThe Unique ID for this call.

14. HTTP status codes

cmi_codecmi_code typeDescription
200SuccessWe received the request.
401ErrorAuthentication failed.