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PIOPIY is a platform that provides a comprehensive Phone Call API for developers. The PIOPIY platform enables you to:

  • Make and receive calls: Programmatically initiate outbound calls and handle inbound calls using the API.

  • Control calls using JSON-based PCMO objects: Utilize PCMO (PIOPIY Call Management Objects), which are JSON structures defining actions like playing music, transferring calls, recording, and more.

  • Play music during calls: Use PCMO actions to play audio files to the caller or callee during an ongoing call.

  • Transfer calls to other numbers: Seamlessly transfer ongoing calls to different phone numbers using API commands.

  • Stream ongoing calls to AI platforms: Stream live calls to AI platforms via WebSocket for real-time conversation analysis, transcription, or interactive AI-driven dialogue.

  • Perform real-time actions via WebSocket streams: Through WebSocket streams, execute actions like playing music or transferring calls dynamically during the call.

In essence, PIOPIY stands for a platform that empowers developers to build advanced voice call applications with rich features and real-time control. It leverages JSON-based PCMO objects and WebSocket streaming to provide flexibility and enhance the user experience during calls.

How the PIOPIY platform works

The illustrated flow diagram of the PIOPIY platform:

Flow Diagram

  1. When a caller dials a PIOPIY phone number, the call is routed through the PIOPIY platform.

  2. The PIOPIY platform triggers the configured answer_url on your web server.

  3. Your web server returns the appropriate actions (like input, play, record, etc.) to the answer_url based on PCMO actions.

  4. The PIOPIY platform performs the PCMO actions and interacts with the caller.

  5. After the actions are completed, two separate URLs are used for different purposes:

    • The CDR URL is used to send Call Detail Records (CDR) to your web server once the call is completed. These records contain detailed call data for analysis and reporting.

    • The Event URL is used to send Live Event (such as call state changes or errors) to your web server in real time.

  6. Your web server acknowledges the receipt of both live events and CDRs by sending a 200 OK response to the PIOPIY platform.