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Update User

Each API request in TeleCMI platform includes App id and secret. Get your App id and secret in TeleCMI dashboard. After getting the app id and secret, make a POST request to the below base URL to update the user in your app.

Base URL

Send your POST method request with valid parameters, to the following base URL.

Required Parameters

These are the required POST method parameters with description

Parameter NameTypeDescription
*appidnumberYour app ID
*secretstringYour app secret
*idstringThe User ID
*namestringThe name of the user
*phone_numberstringThe phone number of the user
*passwordstringThe password of the user
start_timenumberThe user shift time to start receiving the incoming call
end_timenumberThe user shift time to stop receiving the incoming call
sms_alertbooleanThe missed call notification for the user
The * marked parameter is mandatory.

Sample JSON Request

Below is the following sample JSON POST method request


Sample Response

If the provided information is valid, your web server will get a sample response from TeleCMI Platform as given below

"code": 200,
"status": "success",
"msg": "Saved successfully",
"agent": {
"name": "Abishek",
"password": "12345678",
"notify": true,
"phone": "919100000000",
"start_time": 1,
"end_time": 24


These are the list of properties and its description

statusstringThe status of the request, success or error
msgstringThe message information of the request
agentJSON arrayThe updated user details
namestringThe updated name of the user
PasswordstringThe update password of the user
notifybooleanThe updated missed call notification of the user
phonestringThe updated phone number of the user
start_timenumberThe updated shift start time of the user
end_timenumberThe updated shift end time of the user

HTTP status codes

TeleCMI API platform represents the following status code to identity the errors.

Status codeStatus TypeDescription
200SuccessWe received the request
401ErrorInvalid app id or secret, authentication failed, Invalid user ID
400ErrorParameter missing