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HTTP Web flow

The HTTP web call flow is commonly used for custom call routing. This type of call routing will allow you to connect on predefined IVR, team and selected users, with a custom greeting and waiting music


  1. Sign up for a free TeleCMI demo account.

  2. Buy a phone number.

  3. Drag and drop the piopiy script to call flow tool.

  4. Add your POST or GET method webserver URL in the piopiy script flow.

Sample JSON Request

Below are the following sample JSON POST or GET method request will notify you HTTP flow URL.

"from": 9191000000000,
"to": 911203000000,
"cmiuuid": "435e393f-a160-45cf-9691-accb6aa66b73",
"appid": 1111112

Sample HTTP flow JSON Response

Below are the following sample POST or GET method JSON reponse need to return TeleCMI platform.

"code": 200,
"loop": 2,
"followme": false,
"hangup": false,
"timeout": 20,
"welcome_music": "1609133greeting_music.wav",
"waiting_music": "16098620waiting_music.wav",
"result": [
"agent_id": "101_1111112",
"phone": "91996600XXXX"

Required Parameters

These are the required POST or GET method parameters with description

Parameter NameTypeDescription
*codenumberResponse Code
*actionstringThe action to control the flow of the call.
*namestringThe name of the IVR or team to connect.
loopnumberThe total number of retry, of this call. By default, the loop is 1.
followmebooleanIf the followme value is true, a call will be initiated to the mobile device.
hangupbooleanIf the hangup value is true, only the http script will work.
timeoutnumberThe ringing time of the call will be 20 seconds; after that, the call will disconnect automatically.
welcome_musicstringThe file_name will play the audio file from TeleCMI cloud
waiting_musicstringThe file_name will play the audio file from TeleCMI cloud
*resultJSON array
  • agent_id = The user ID to connect
  • phone = The phone number to connect, it may be mobile or landline number.
The * marked parameter is mandatory.