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HTTP Web flow

The HTTP web call flow is commonly used for custom call routing. This type of call routing will allow you to connect the selected users, with a custom greeting and waiting music.


  1. Sign up for a free TeleCMI demo account.

  2. Buy a phone number.

  3. Drag and drop the piopiy script to call flow tool.


Below is the following POST or GET method JSON

"code": 200,
"loop": 2,
"welcome_music": "1609133greeting_music.wav",
"waiting_music": "16098620waiting_music.wav",
"result": [
"agent_id": "101_1111112",
"phone": "91996600XXXX"

Required Parameters

These are the required POST or GET method parameters with description

Parameter NameTypeDescription
*codenumberResponse Code
loopnumberThe total number of retry, of this call. By default, the loop is 1.
welcome_musicstringThe file_name will play the audio file from TeleCMI cloud
waiting_musicstringThe file_name will play the audio file from TeleCMI cloud
*resultJSON array
  • agent_id = The agent ID to connect
  • phone = The phone number to connect, it may be mobile or landline number.
The * marked parameter is mandatory.