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Outgoing Webhooks

The telecmi platform will notify your web server POST method URL with JSON call detail record(CDR) when outgoing calls are completed.

How to setup outgoing webhooks?

To set up an ougoing webhooks follow the below steps.

  1. Login into the CHUB dashboard.

  2. Your business number will displayed in the panel, click on the business number.

  3. Go to settings --> Webhooks.

Outgoing Webhooks

Where to place your web server URL ?

  1. Enter your HTTP POST method URL.

  2. Enable the webhooks switch, to activate the outbound webhook.

Outbound Webhooks

  • Your web server URL is the POST method.
  • Make sure your web server URL is accessible from the internet(public).

If you need to test locally use our simple web servers (Node.JS, Python, Java, PHP ) and Ngrok for development purpose.

Now your outgoing webhook setup is ready to receive call detail record(CDR) from TeleCMI platform.